Calendar of captivity(December-January)

From Azadegan Encyclopedia

-23rd of December, 1982; the arrival of the first Red Cross representatives at Musel 2 & 3.

-28th of December, 1989;  three-day hunger strike in Bloc 2 of Takrit 12, prompted by stress, restrictions, and brutal torture.

-30th of December, 1989;  known  as the Black Friday during the captivity in Takrit 15, ( the captives were tortured as a result  of their protest against the harrowing torture inflicted upon Mohammad Fathi for his attempted escape).

-11th of January, 1989; the Red Cross of Vietnam demanded the release of Iranian and Iraqi prisoners and captives.

-12th of January, 2018; commemoration of the anniversary of the death of Behjat Afraz, the Mother of Captives.

-17th of January, 1989; liberation of 20 wounded Iranian prisoners from the Iraqi Ba'athist regime camps.