Calendar of captivity(August-September)

From Azadegan Encyclopedia

-22nd of August ,dedicated to the commemoration of the captives and the missing(coinciding with Moharram).

-22nd of August,1988; (coinciding with 9th of Moharram) clashes of Iranian captives with the Iraqis on account of mourning for Imam Hossein at Romadi 10

-23rd of August,1981;  the Supreme Leader spoke in praise of the book entitled “The foot left behind” as narrated by Seyyed Naser Hosseiny.

-24th of August,1981; the establishment of Anbar Camp (also referred to as Camp 8).

-26th of August,1990;  liberation of 40 injured captives from the Iraqi camps.

-27th of August,1984;  transfer of Haj Abu Torabi Fard along with a small number of companions to Baghubeh camp 18  for a duration of approximately 16 days.

-4th of September,1985; the passengers of the hijacked Iranian airplane visited Romadi 1 camp 6.

-from 26th to 29th of September,1990; return of the first group of the missing and unregistered captives to Iran.

-3rd or 4th of September,1987;  (coinciding with 9th and 10th of Moharram) clash of the captives  at Takrit camp 15 on account of mourning for Imam Hossein which culminated in the martyrdom of 3 and injury of 18 captives, and not to mention  the detention of other captives in sanatoriums for three days.  

-6th of September, 1982;  liberation of 28  wounded Iranian  captives from the Iraqi Ba'ath regime camps.

-6th of September, 1982; the establishment of Musel 4 New (Guards).

-from 6th to 16th of September, 1990;  liberation of captives from Takrit camp 19..

-9th of September, 1981;  a failed escape attempt made  by two captives from Romadi 1, camp 6 whose names were Yousef Rostami and Mohammad Reza Maleki.

-from 9th to 16th of September, 1990;  liberation of captives from Takrit 20 camp.

-11th of September, 1990; the transfer of the Lord of Captives to Anbar (also known as Camp 8).

-12th of September, 1982; Hojatoleslam Ali Akbar Abu Torabi returned to Iran alongside nine pilots and high-ranking officers from the Baghubeh camp 18.

-14th of September,1990; the transfer of Haj Abu Torabi Fard to Sanatorium 3 (New 11) new Musel 3.

-15th of September, 1990; liberation of nine captives and the Lord of Captives from the Baghubeh camp and their meeting with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.

-17th of September, 1980; Haj Ali Akbar Abuotrabi met with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, following his liberation from the Iraqi Ba'athist regime camps.

--17th of September, 1988;  the pilot Lashkary(who died  a martyr some years later) was taken into captivity.

--17th of September, 1988; the international committee of the Red Cross visited the Romadi camp 13 for the first time.

-21st of September, 1990; two buses carrying Iranian captives were hijacked with the passengers put off at Romadi 9 and then taken to Baghubeh camp 18..