Educational and scientific services of servants of captives

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The educational and scientific services of prisoners of war are as follows:

The services in question included such activities as holding the Quran classes, reading  Nahj al-Balagha, learning foreign languages, etc. With the arrival of educational books of foreign languages such as English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, those interested in the languages in question would refer to captives who knew the languages pretty well and would  start learning them wholeheartedly[1][2].

See also


  1. Salaminejad, A. (2008). Mayor of the camp, Vol. 2. Tehran: Azadegan Cultural and Art Institute.
  2. Azadegan Scientific Council. (2019). Azadegan Encyclopedia: Iranian prisoners freed in the war between Iraq and Iran. Tehran: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies; Azadegan Cultural and Art Institute,

Parvin Kashanizadeh