Services of servants of captives: Revision history

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19 April 2024

  • curprev 16:4616:46, 19 April 2024M-samiei talk contribs 6,254 bytes +40 No edit summary
  • curprev 16:4416:44, 19 April 2024M-samiei talk contribs 6,214 bytes +30 No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
  • curprev 16:4316:43, 19 April 2024M-samiei talk contribs 6,184 bytes +6,184 Created page with "Service, refers to any activity or benefit that is provided from one party to another and is necessarily intangible and does not entail the ownership of anything<ref>Services (1402). Persian Wikipedia. Retrievable from</ref>. A service, activity or a set of small activities And it is more intangible<ref>Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2011). "Principles of Marketing" translated by Bahman Faruzandeh, 16th edition, Esfahan: Amoukhteh publication.</ref> that during the captiv..." Tag: Visual edit